Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dragon Riding ...

1) Dragon Riding reveals certain dynamics of Qi [气] for 2012 Year Of The Water Dragon;
2) First and foremost, you should avoid crossing paths with the ‘inauspicious’ Qi; then you may do the recommended placements according to your needs;
3) Traditionally, the Chinese selects 'auspicious' date and time for various activities that they consider important. The slides below show those that are associated with the Chinese New Year (CNY) festive season;
4) Of these activities, two are of more significance in Chinese metaphysics - (i) Start Work after CNY, and (ii) 1st Destination on the 1st Day of CNY. You can make use of them to enhance chances of success and minimize setbacks;
5) The last slide is to be printed out on transparency so you can superimpose it onto the map or street directory for reference when deciding on your 1st Destination on the 1st Day of CNY. This slide has been re-orientated with 'North' at the top for easy referencing with maps & street directory. If none of your intended destinations falls within the 'auspicious (red)' sectors, you may improvise by making your 1st stop at a convenient store or petrol station or etc..
6) Here's wishing you Great Ride To Success in 2012!