Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Basic Understanding Of Qi [气] II

The Flying Stars [飞星] system illuminates certain behavioral patterns and effects of Qi [].  It can be used to predict potential occurrences of events on a global scale.  At a more personal level, we use it to decode potentialities inherent in various palaces (sectors) of our physical environment, and then encode the same subject with new probabilities, in an attempt to enhance or avert those potentialities.  Feng Shui [风水] after all is a probability (de/en)coding game.

1) A typical flying star chart is orientated with ‘south’ at the top according to traditional Chinese metaphysics layout;
2) In a chart that I normally used in annual forecasts (see above), the alphabetical abbreviations stand for the location of the respective palaces (sectors), with ‘c’ indicating the central palace, ‘nw’ indicating the northwest palace, and so on;
3) The Chinese characters represent Period 8 chart, which spans 20 years from 2004 to 2023.  The numbers at the centre of each palace above the abbreviations represent the annual chart;
4) The smaller numbers on both sides of the annual stars are the monthly stars that run vertically, right-to-left, from the 1st to the 12th solar month;
5) Generally, the months which coincide with problematic stars, ie. 2, 3, 5 & 7, are the ones which are more prone to issues.  Where these problematic stars are the annual star at the main entrance door / bedrooms / kitchen for houses, or main entrance door / directors’ rooms / finance department for commercial premises, it is advisable to put in place some aversion measures at the respective areas;
6) Encoding (ie. for enhancement or aversion) can be carried out at macro-scale (big Tai Ji) taking the entire premise into consideration, or at micro-scale (small Tai Ji) applying to individual rooms.  For houses, living room is a convenient application ground.  You encode only where it is relevant for your own premise, or when you really have the need, do not overdo!

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